
Add static pages with rich taxonomy to your Orchid site.


Static pages allow you to add pages to your Orchid site in with ultimate flexibility. Simply drop content files in your pages/ directory, and they will be rendered in your site at the same URL as they reside in that directory. Pages can contain any content, use any layout, and have no restriction on their URL path, because it is simply their location on disk that determines their URL, which all gives you a ton of flexibility with static pages.


dependencies {
libraryDependencies += "io.github.javaeden.orchid" % "OrchidPages" % "0.21.2"



Basic Usage

Any files in the pages/ directory will be compiled according to their file extension to a page at the same path they are in the pages/ directory. Pages with a filename of index are special, in that they will become the index page for the directory they are placed in, rather than living at a path ending in index:

. / (resources root)
├── homepage.md
├── config.yml
└── pages/
    ├── changelog.md <-- compiled as Markdown to /changelog
    └── features/
        ├── index.md <-- lives at /features
        ├── feature-one.md <-- lives at /features/feature-one
        └── feature-two.md <-- lives at /features/feature-two

Page Groups

When placing pages into subdirectories, the specific subdirectory they are placed in typically defines a top-level categorization for those pages. In Orchid, the first directory a Static Page is placed in is known as its group. Pages can then be located from a Collection, filtering by their Group.

Page groups are useful for configuring all the pages in a group from a single Archetype. They are also very useful in combination with the Taxonomies plugin to generate archive listings for each page group.

The Pages plugin comes with two useful menu items: pages, and pageIds.

The pages menu item adds all static pages to a menu, optionally filtered by page group.

The pageIds menu item will parse the page content, looking for header tags (h1, h2, etc.) with ID attributes (these are added in Markdown by default) and generate a menu with links to each header. You can customize the level of headers included in this menu with the maxLevel and minLevel options. By default, all items are displayed flat, but you can have them set up in a nested structure matching the hierarchy of header tags on the page by setting structure: nested.

Render Modes

You may wish to change how static pages are rendered, for example to be rendered raw and the page to be the entire, fully-customized HTML of that page. To do this, you can set the renderMode to raw in a page's Front Matter to just render its contents directly and not use a layout at all. You may also set usePrettyUrl to determine whether to use a "pretty" URL (like /contact) or not (like /contact.html).